
Monat Money is a decentralized, open-source public protocol and is not controlled or owned by the administrators or moderators of this Website (“administrators”, “we”, or “us”). This Website and the documentation referenced or otherwise contained herein are provided as a public service to the community. We do not have a duty to monitor and update the information on this Website and cannot warrant that information provided is accurate, correct, complete, or up to date. We are also not responsible for information or content that you choose to share or for the actions or communications of other users. As such, it is possible that the information or documentation referenced may become obsolete or outdated or may change or it is entirely possible that the information and documentation may be based on incorrect sources from third parties. By using this Website, you expressly agree that (a) any reliance by you on any information or documentation provided through or referenced on this Website will be at your own risk; and (b) we are not responsible or liable for any loss or damages of any kind resulting from your use, reference to, or reliance on any information provided herein.

Monat Money Ǝ𒑰

on PulseChain

Meme Coin $MONAT, easy x100 that will make you very rich!

Contract: 0xf8AB....4063e →

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Let the Numbers Speak!


Total MarketCap Today


Total Holders

Deployer $MONAT ?

Maria 414

Maria 414 Deployed Ca:

$MONAT (monatmoney) $BEAR (teddybear) $Atropa (Atropa) and more


As simple
as that!


Augment your private balance effortlessly with your asset of choice.


The creator and deployer of the contract is the well-known address 414! You can recognize him by his previous tokens "ATROPA" "TEDDYBEAR" "TSFI" and others....

Next Token?

JBmane is an experienced programmer and he has experience working with blockchain! How do you look at making the next explosive token with utility and staking?



Monat Money is developed with the creator of 414 (ATROPA). JBmane is not responsible for any sales, purchases, fomo, fud, etc..

The Main Rule

Buy today! Sell ​​when you get at least 10x

Stay safe

Check the contract address before purchasing! don't fall for scammers


Powering DeFi

Public blockchains are great for transparency but personal financial privacy is entirely destroyed by it. Everyone with your wallet address can calculate your net worth and record your transactions. For the crypto space to not turn into a cyber dystopia we need to think about our financial privacy.

You should remember this

Your keys - your money

Defi is completely trustless and you never lose custody over your assets. Decentralization is a key point in this and serves for your security.


The backbone of security used technology implementation. This is a form of cryptographic proof that allows one party to prove it possesses certain information without revealing that information. For this a secret key is created every time prior to a transaction taking place.


Meet our Roadmap

2023 Q3

Launch NEXT token

More info soon


The most common questions, here is the FAQ!

Who is 414?

these are the last 3 numbers of the wallet 0x7a20189B297343CF26d8548764b04891f37F3414 He is the creator of Monat Money, ATROPA, TEDDY BEAR, TSFI, dOWN, and others

Why do we need the monat.money website?

The site was created by the developer JBmane who was inspired by the developer 414!
To support the project as well as for the MonatMoney community on Telegram! https://t.me/monat_money

I like this website and want to donate

JBmane will be very happy if you donate some money and he can go to McDonald's) Address.
